Dream Psychology —— Psychoanalysis for Beginners


ISBN: 9781330017036 出版年:2016 页码:253 Prof Dr Sigmund Freud Forgotten Books


Dreams tell us many an unpleasant biological truth about ourselves and only very free minds can thrive on such a diet. – Andre Tridon, author, Psychoanalysis, Sleep and Dreams/Published in 1921, this book comes years after the publication of the controversial and ground-breaking The Interpretation of Dreams by the same author. In the first chapter, Dr. Freud first talks about dreams, their significance and meaning. He also explains how he interprets dreams using his technique, psychotherapy. In the next chapter, he explains the dream mechanism or how elements from real events gets included in or formed into dreams, how dreams are formed, and other related aspects. He then discusses why dreams disguise desires, dream analysis, and other related, and very interesting, topics.Throughout the book, Dr. Freud cites some of his own experiences in dreaming, as well as those of his patients, as examples. This proves to be helpful in illustrating certain points in the author's arguments or points of discussion and guides the ordinary reader to a better understanding of them. The author's writing style, which included technical terms that were fleshed out using a conversational tone and choice of words, make this book easy to digest. After all, it has been designed for beginners in the study of psychoanalysis.In addition, the major points he put forward in The Interpretation of Dreams/ were also included here, albeit in a more beginner-friendly fashion. He still maintains that there is a definite connection between events in one's life and those featured in dreams. He also discusses the concept of wish fulfillment in dreams and that many dream visions are symbolic, hence the unusual nature of events and things seen in dreams. He also did not fail to include the sexual aspect in dreaming, where sexual desires play a significant role in the unconscious. Over all, this edition is highly suitable for those wanting to learn or review the rudiments of dream analysis and psychoanalysis.


I love reading anything Freud...if you are interested in dreams and what they mean...and not just those stupid dream dictionaries...I would highly recommend reading Freud and Carl Jung...2 excellent psychologists who have great theories about dreams and the unconscious mind. Thank you for reading my review, please let me know if you found this to be helpful. I like to know that it is worth my time to write these reviews. Have a great day! I rely on reviews to help me make a decision when shopping online. I do keep my posts updated if the item breaks or exceeds my expectations for an extended time.

Kindle Customer

Freud says from the outset that he is writing for the layman so is not going to overburden this book with the weight of background evidence to support the content. But if we accept what Freud asserts is founded on clinical evidence then it gives an introduction to the subject albeit that it does do with an assumption of prior knowledge of many of the concepts - presumably through familiarity with other works by Freud on his field of study.

John Ross

As a fan of SF, i feel that this is a great understanding of the power behind what he feels dream teach us, and what they really mean!

Kindle Customer

It is the best book at the time it was written. It shows some of his case and work that goes with it.


Meh, everything seems connected to the womb or pee-pee with this guy. Way too supirior in his repotois for me.

Gabi Rosetti

I recently decided to reacquaint myself with Freud’s written works and this was the second book I chose to read. Whether you like his style of psychoanalysis or not, Freud is always a good read. Dream Psychology fascinates me and I think this is a great book that explains the psychoanalysis of dreams. One thing is for certain: Freud is never boring!


I got the kindle version of the book as it cost less. And honestly would advice the book to any psych major or if you just have interest in psychology. It gives a great insight on Freud's Ideas and theories. The book was originally written in early 1900 so yes it is an original.


I don't really like Freud so much, I mean he did an awesome job, but I'm not so much for psychoanalysis and looking for a meaning in every tiny detail. Till now I only had read the parts from his books so I decided to read the full book. The beginning seemed funny to me, but then it got serious and really interesting to read.

Tami Burden

I thought it concise, and a good read. I myself am a Jungian, however, do give credence to Freud's insights on dream analyses. And find this book a good place to start in the understanding of ourselves. And the productions of our minds.

Paolo Carrasco

Freud describes very well how the dream is formed and composed, how to interpret it... but in some passages it was too detailed with tecnifiques that could be familiar to psychologists not general readers like me. The best parts of the books are in the first pages and from that point onwards in the examples and how they are manifestations of the unconscious.

Jim Parsons

I used to think the book was provocative and revolutionary. After a reread, passed time, and experience - I have my disagreements. There is no question that this book dramatically effected the world in which we live. In any debate you must understand the arguments of the other side. This book provides a foundation for understanding modern day psychology.

Karri Hickman

I use this all the time with dream therapy. Those who are learning must first understand and agree with Freud thought process.

Mrs. Vivienne Tuffnell

I read this because I felt that as a budding Jungian, I ought to read something from Freud too. First thing to say is that the book is not nearly as accessible as anything by Jung, and I can see entirely why Jung and Freud went their separate ways. Second, much of the thought on dreams here has been superceded both by scientific advances and by psychological research, so don't take any of it as fact but rather as period opinion. Freud does come across as a repressed Victorian, obsessed by sex, and he does not seem to be a man I would personally have trusted. Nonetheless, as background, this was a worthwhile read, though I admit some sections I skim read just to get through them.
