----- 不完美的平衡:前哥伦布时期美洲的景观变化
4. Anthropocentric Food Webs in the Precolumbian Americas, by David L. Lentz 3. Vegetation in the Floristic Regions of North and Central America, by Andrew M. Greller 2. Climate Changes in the Northern American Tropics and Subtropics since the Last Ice Age: Implications for Environment and Culture, by David A. Hodell, Mark Brenner, and Jason H. Curtis 1. Introduction: Definitions and Conceptual Underpinnings, by David L. Lentz Foreword, by William Denevan Summary and Conclusions 15. The Lower Amazon: A Dynamic Human Habitat, by Anna C. Roosevelt 14. Lowland Vegetation of Tropical South America--An Overview, by Douglas Daly and John Mitchell 13. Andean Land Use at the Cusp of History, by Terence N. D'Altroy 12. The Lake Titicaca Basin: A Precolumbian Built Landscape, by Clark L. Erickson 11. Vegetation of the Tropical Andes, by James Luteyn and Steven Churchill 10. Hohokam Impacts on Sonoran Desert Environment, by Suzanne Fish 9. Native Farming Systems and Ecosystems in the Mississippi River Valley, by Gayle J. Fritz 8. Precolumbian Silviculture and Indigenous Management of Neotropical Forests, by Charles Peters 7. Stability and Instability in Prehispanic May a Landscapes, by Nicholas Dunning and Timothy Beach 6. Prehispanic Water Management and Agricultural Intensification in Mexico and Venezuela: Implications for Contemporary Ecological Planning, by Charles S. Spencer 5. Prehispanic Agricultural Systems in the Basin of Mexico, by Emily McClung de Tapia