Testing For Normality

ISBN: 9780824796136 出版年:2002 页码:495 Thode, Henry C CRC Press


1. Introduction Part 1: Testing for Univariate Normality 2. Plots, Probability Plots and Regression Tests 3. Test Using Moments 4. Other Tests for Univariate Normality 5. Goodness of Fit Tests 6. Tests for Outliers 7. Power Comparisons for Univariate Tests for Normality 8. Testing for Normality with Censored Data Part 2: Testing for Multivariate Normality 9. Assessing Multivariate Normality 10. Testing for Multivariate Outliers Part 3: Additional Topics 11. Testing for Normal Mixtures 12. Robust Estimation of Location and Scale 13. Computational Issues

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