----- 带有FRP筋的钢筋混凝土
The American Concrete Institute (ACI) Committee 440 fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) reinforcement for concrete members is about to see full market acceptance and implementation after 22 years. This book is mainly intended for practitioners and the focus is on ACI technical literature that covers the fundamentals of performance and design of concrete members with FRP reinforcement and reinforcement detailing. The book is a valuable resource for researchers and graduate students to guide their studies and creative work. Only internal, nonprestressed FRP reinforcement are included in the book, prestressing and near-surface-mounted reinforcement applications are excluded. The authors of the book assume that the reader is already familiar with concrete as a material and reinforced concrete as a construction technology (i.e., fabrication, analysis, and design). The book is divided into three parts that are described to follow the typical approach to design of conventional reinforced concrete in detail. The first part of the book covers materials and test methods and the second part covers analysis and design. The third part of the book presents some design examples using a two-story medical facility as a case study.