----- 经济和生态风险评估
Introduction, R.J.F. Bruins and M.T. Heberling BACKGROUND, CONCEPTS AND METHODS Watershed Planning and Management in the United States, R.A. Cole, T.D. Feather and J.D. Muncy Introduction to Ecological Risk Assessment in Watersheds, R.J.F. Bruins and M.T. Heberling A Framework for Risk Analysis for Ecological Restoration Projects in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, R.M.Thom, H.L. Diefenderfer, and K. Hofseth Appendix 4-A: Example Application of Risk Analysis for a USACE Ecological Restoration Project, R.M. Thom, H.L. Diefenderfer, and K. Hofseth Introduction to Economic Analysis in Watersheds, M.T. Heberling and R.J.F. Bruins Appendix 5-A: Discussion of Stated Preference Methods Used in Three Case Studies, M.T. Heberling and R. J.F. Bruins Ecological and Economic Analysis for Water Quality Standards, R.J.F. Bruins and M.T. Heberling Appendix 6-A: Using Multimedia Indices to Define the Integrity of Stream Biological Assemblages and Instream Habitat, R.J.F. Bruins and M.T. Heberling Decision-Making and Uncertainty in Ambient Water Quality Management, L. Shabman Scaling Environmental Restoration and Habitat Equivalency Analysis, P.D. Allen II, D.J. Chapman, and D. Lane A Conceptual Approach for Integrated Watershed Management, R.J.F. Bruins, M.T. Heberling, and T.A. Maddock Appendix 9-A: Discussion of Existing Frameworks that Have Been Applied To Watershed Management, R.J.F. Bruins, M.T. Heberling, and T.A. Maddock Appendix 9-B: Sociocultural Assessment Methods, R.J.F. Bruins, M.T. Heberling and T.A. Maddock APPLICATIONS Evaluating Development Alternatives for a High-quality Stream Threatened by Urbanization: Big Darby Creek Watershed, O.H. Erekson, O. L. Loucks, S.R. Elliott, D.S. McCollum, M. Smith, and R.J.F. Bruins Weighing Biodiversity and Sectoral Development Values in a Rural Valley: Clinch and Powell River Watershed, S. Stewart, J.A. Kahn, A. Wolfe, R.V. O'Neill, V.B. Serveiss, R.J.F. Bruins, and M.T. Heberling Appendix 11-A: Random Utility Model, S. Stewart, J.A. Kahn, A. Wolfe, R.V. O'Neill, V.B. Serveiss, R.J.F. Bruins, and M.T. Heberling Appendix 11-B: Excerpt from Survey Administered by the University of Tennessee: Explanation of Hypothetical Agricultural Policies and their Potential Impacts, S. Stewart, J.A. Kahn, A. Wolfe, R.V. O'Neill, V.B. Serveiss, R.J.F. Bruins, and M.T. Heberling Seeking Solutions for an Interstate Conflict over Water and Endangered Species: Platte River Watershed, R.J. Supalla, O. Yeboah, B. Klaus, J.C. Allen, D.E. Jelinski, V.B. Serveiss, and R.J.F. Bruins Appendix 12-A: Summary of Survey Response Information Used to Calculate Utility of Environmental Management Policy Options for the Central Platte River Floodplain, R.J. Supalla, O. Yeboah, B. Klaus, J.C. Allen, D.E. Jelinski, V.B. Serveiss, and R.J.F. Bruins An Integrated Ecological-Economic Model for Scenario Analysis: Anticipating Change in the Hudson River Watershed, J.D. Erickson, C. Hermans, J. Gowdy, K. Limburg, A. Nowosielski, J. Polimeni, and K. Stainbrook Determining Tradeoffs among Ecological Services: Planning for Ecological Restoration in the Lower Fox River and Green Bay, J.K. Lazo, P.D. Allen II, R.C. Bishop, D. Beltman, and R.D. Rowe The Habitat-Based Replacement Cost Method: Building on the Habitat Equivalency Method to Inform Regulatory or Permit Decisions under the Clean Water Act, P.D. Allen II, R. Raucher, E. Strange, D. Mills, and D. Beltman CONCLUSIONS Conclusions R.J.F. Bruins and M.T. Heberling