The book is in three long essays. Together it is a well written explanation of the relationship between the history of America's development and the current understanding of resource limits. It describes the intersection of America's political-economy and the fact that we are now reaching the limits to growth. Worster goes into the history of the publication of that book, and much further: He explains in very clear terms why we (not just Americans, but all humans) are past the point of increasing abundance.
I think the first third is one of the best written summaries of systems ecology for the non-expert, and once you get through it, you will not be able to stop to see where it endsâin our current predicament of a growth dependent (addicted?) corporate capitalist political-economy, beholden to an ideology based on American (or human) exceptionalism. This conceit is going to lead us to a lot of suffering. Already is.
It would be good if more people read this book, but it appears the publisher and/or the author didn't care to do the "push" needed to get it into the public's attention.
Edit: Amazon says I'm a "verified purchaser" of audio edition. Inaccurate: I bought a hard cover book, new remaindered. In fact, I've bought a few to give to people.