----- 颠覆精神性:仪式如何制定世界
Introduction Chapter 1: The Politics of "Wilderness": The Nature/Culture Dualism Revisited Chapter 2: Economics and the Making of "Natural Resources" Chapter 3: Re-entangling the Material and the Discursive: Quantum Physics and Agential Realism Chapter 4: The Spirit of the Gift in the Peruvian Andes: Yarqa Aspiy in Quispillacta Chapter 5: Supersessionism and the Teaching of Agronomy in Peru Chapter 6: Dancing with the Mountain in the Altiplano: The Festival of the Ispallas Chapter 7: The State and Feminist Missionizing in Bolivia (with Loyda Sanchez) Chapter 8: Beyond Absolute Time and Space: From Representation to Performativity in Rituals Chapter 9: Fair Trade and the Possibility of Biocultural Regeneration Epilogue: Performing the Lessons Learned Appendix Bibliography