Handbook for Mortals —— Guidance for People Facing Serious Illness

----- 凡人手册:面对严重疾病的人的指导

ISBN: 9780195116625 出版年:2001 页码:257 Lynn, Joanne Harrold, Joan The Center to Improve Care of the Dying Oxford University Press


Handbook for Mortals is warmly addressed to all those who wish to approach the final years of life with greater awareness of what to expect and greater confidence about how to make the end of our lives a time for growth, comfort, and meaningful reflection. Written by Drs. Joanne Lynn and Joan Harrold and a variety of experts from nursing, hospice, counseling, and the arts, this book provides equal measures of practical information and gentle insight. Readers will learn what decisions they will need to face, where to look for help, how to ease pain and other symptoms, what to expect with specific diseases, and how the health-care system operates. Equally important to this practical information are the personal stories included here of how people have come to terms with dying, faced their fears, and made important choices. From down-to-earth advice on how to talk to your doctor to inspiring quotes from such writers as W. H. Auden, Jane Kenyon, and others, Handbook for Mortals encompasses the needs of both the body and the spirit in our final years.


I have not completed reading the book; I am about half way through. I was debating on whether I should comment on the book before finishing it, but felt that it was important to post a preliminary view. We have a mutual, very close friend of our family, who has advanced leukemia. She is a very strong woman, but has had several setbacks. While she keeps a cheerful outlook, I see the changes which I know are not good signs. I was looking for a practical book, which would explain how people can face the difficult times of a terminal illness. While it is more obvious with someone with leukemia, I am well aware that "life" itself is a terminal illness. We will all face death at some point. This book covers a variety of topics, and disease processes and how people die from these type of illnesses. It helps the reader understand that death is not the way it is portrayed in movies or TV. Sometimes people live for years with a "terminal illness". The book is well written; in chapters and short sections, and explains what to expect, what we should do to prepare for the ultimate outcome. It is a good book for those with loved ones facing a terminal illness, as well as those who are managing with one. I currently don't have any terminal illness, but bought a copy of the book for myself as well, so that I could read it and make sure that I have the answers for myself, and for anyone else I may deal with who faces similar circumstances as our friend.




This is a very practical and "user friendly" guide for non-medical people to try to navigate the often difficult and long journey when someone they love is dying- even includes a section on children, babies, and even when there is a suicide.The last chapter is just references- sites that people can go to for specific illnesses and other resources. Very direct and down to earth- addresses issues most would rather avoid- pain, incontinence, etc. A forward by Rosalynn Carter states, "We often put off in life what is important, and sometimes it takes the shadow of death to make us appreciate that love, family and faith are really things that matter." Excellent resource.


An excellent book for people with serious or terminal illness and their family and friends. I give this out to my patients when they are facing life and death decisions. It is very useful and can really help someone assess how they feel about life and death and what they want.


A great "guidebook" with reads from real people as well as resources. As a "Boomer" with elder parents and a volunteer in hospice, this book has a place in my library.

sam august

Excellent book for those confronting serious and terminal illness (and their caregivers). It gives clear info about what to expect, good advice on how to talk with doctors and loved ones, and gentle support for confronting our fears and concerns about illness and death. I have given this book to two people facing terminal illness, and both have thanked me and said the book was exactly what they needed. Highly recommended.

R Walker

There is not much out there that provides some insight into understanding death and dying and how to communicate with the terminally ill patient or family member. This book comes close but is a bit dated.

Myron P. Macdonald

We need insights to the things that face people when they are "hurting" Most that I do see are in the hospital for various reasons. Some people believe that God has a plan for them and look for His Divine healing. Others simply sneak a look ahead if they can and usually have lives filled with great uncertainty. Any and all help allows people like myself to visualize what meke them afraid. We all have problems with the unknown.


I've explored a lot of the end-of-life literature out there looking for the kind of book I would want to give to any friend, colleague, or client who is dealing with a serious illness of their own or their family, and this by far is the best I've seen in terms of practical and accurate information and advice about every the medical, practical, social, emotional, and spiritual aspects of coping with serious and eventually fatal conditions.

Amazon Customer

the book was exactly as described.


I have not completed reading the book; I am about half way through. I was debating on whether I should comment on the book before finishing it, but felt that it was important to post a preliminary view. We have a mutual, very close friend of our family, who has advanced leukemia. She is a very strong woman, but has had several setbacks. While she keeps a cheerful outlook, I see the changes which I know are not good signs. I was looking for a practical book, which would explain how people can face the difficult times of a terminal illness. While it is more obvious with someone with leukemia, I am well aware that "life" itself is a terminal illness. We will all face death at some point. This book covers a variety of topics, and disease processes and how people die from these type of illnesses. It helps the reader understand that death is not the way it is portrayed in movies or TV. Sometimes people live for years with a "terminal illness". The book is well written; in chapters and short sections, and explains what to expect, what we should do to prepare for the ultimate outcome. It is a good book for those with loved ones facing a terminal illness, as well as those who are managing with one. I currently don't have any terminal illness, but bought a copy of the book for myself as well, so that I could read it and make sure that I have the answers for myself, and for anyone else I may deal with who faces similar circumstances as our friend.


A great "guidebook" with reads from real people as well as resources. As a "Boomer" with elder parents and a volunteer in hospice, this book has a place in my library.

R Walker

There is not much out there that provides some insight into understanding death and dying and how to communicate with the terminally ill patient or family member. This book comes close but is a bit dated.

Myron P. Macdonald

We need insights to the things that face people when they are "hurting" Most that I do see are in the hospital for various reasons. Some people believe that God has a plan for them and look for His Divine healing. Others simply sneak a look ahead if they can and usually have lives filled with great uncertainty.Any and all help allows people like myself to visualize what meke them afraid. We all have problems with the unknown.


