----- 修补身体,拯救灵魂:医院的历史
INTRODUCTION 1. Pre-Christian Healing Places 2. Early Christian Hospitality: Shelters and Infirmaries 3. Church and Laity: Partnership in Hospital Care 4. Hospitals as Segregation and Confinement Tools: Leprosy and Plague 5. Enlightenment: Medicalization of the Hospital 6. Human Bodies Revealed: Hospitals in Post-Revolutionary Paris 7. Modern Surgery in Hospitals: Development of Anesthesia and Antisepsis 8. The Limits of Medical Science: Hospitals in Fin de Siecle Europe and America 9. Main Streets Civic Pride: The American General Hospital as Professional Workshop 10. Hospitals at the Crossroads: Government, Society, and Catholicism in America, 1950-1975 11. Hospitals as Biomedical Showcases: Academic Health Centers and Organ Transplantation 12. Caring for the Incurable: AIDS at San Francisco General Hospital 13. Conclusion: Towards the Next Millennium: Hospitals as Houses of Technology