Working Capital Management

ISBN: 9780199737413 出版年:2010 页码:173 Preve, Lorenzo Sarria-Allende, Virginia Oxford University Press


As soon as a firm starts operating and furthermore, the moment it starts to grow, it needs to come to a decision about how to invest funds, how much cash and inventory to hold on to, how much financing to provide to customers, how to obtain the necessary funds, how much debt to take on and in which terms-all the answers to these questions have serious consequences for a firm's cash flow and profitability. Working Capital Management is a hands-on look at the crucial decision of how to define and finance the operating investments of a business. Starting with an overview of the fundamental framework of corporate finance, the authors set out to define the central, and usually underestimated, role that working capital plays within this structure. They show not only how to prevent the losses that result from mishandling of working capital, but also how to fully exploit the strategic potential that intelligent, expert management of working capital allows. The book is the first to emphasize the relevance of the interplay between the investment and finance aspects of working capital, by discussing all of the main components of a firm's operating expenses from both an investment and finance perspective. After focusing on the varying aspects and themes of working capital, such as inventory management, strategic accounting, trade credit, and short-term debt, the authors move on to identify the long-term implications and opportunities raised by this often overlooked aspect of corporate finance. Lorenzo Preve and Virginia Sarria Allende have at last provided a resource that identifies the impact of day-to-day business decisions, uncovering a highly influential, aspect of all firms' financial situation.

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