Overcoming Alcohol Use Problems —— A Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Program

----- 克服酒精滥用问题:认知行为疗法医师指南

ISBN: 9780195322811 出版年:2009 页码:271 Epstein, Elizabeth E McCrady, Barbara S Oxford University Press


Problems with alcohol use are common and often occur with other psychological and social problems as well. Left untreated, alcohol use disorder can have significant impact on a person's functioning, health, and relationships. This cognitive-behavioral treatment has been scientifically proven to help individuals achieve and maintain abstinence. The treatment protocol has been developed with the benefit of each author's 25+ years of clinical experience in treating substance abusers; it is user-friendly and easy to deliver in a clinically meaningful way. Rooted in the client's individualized assessment and life context, the program can be tailored to gender-specific issues and personal needs.

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