Southern Baptist Seminary 1859-2009

ISBN: 9780199774128 出版年:2009 页码:581 Wills, Gregory A Oxford University Press


Gregory Wills argues that Southern Baptist Theological Seminary has played a fundamental role in the persistence of conservatism, not entirely intentionally. Tracing the history of the seminary from the beginning to the present, Wills shows how its foundational commitment to preserving orthodoxy was implanted in denominational memory in ways that strengthened the denomination's conservatism and limited the seminary's ability to stray from it.

Come Let Us Reason

To tell the truth, I partially wanted to rate this book three stars but I just can't give a book with this level of scholarship such a rating. If you have any interest in an in depth account of the Southern Baptist Convention's conservative resurgence and the remarkable, providential turn around of an apostate seminary, this is your book. The downside is it is so thorough if you don't have this interest the book will roll on ad nauseam. Even for someone who does have that interest it can be slow at times. Pretty much every theological issue, and controversial incident in the seminary's history is discussed in exhaustive detail. The final chapter is my favorite as it discusses Dr. R. Albert Mohler's tenure and the amazing about face for the seminary. As you might tell, I'm in agreement with the direction the seminary has gone under Mohler, but even if you're not, this is a fair account of the school's history and a respectable scholarly work.


Great information on Southern Seminary and Southern Baptist in general. Most Baptist today have no knowledge of the foundational Biblical doctrines the School and Denomination were founded upon.It seems to me, most baptist today need to return to sound doctrine as found in the Bible. This book tells it like it was both Good and Bad

Zack Ford

I absolutely loved this history of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary! I think that every Southern Baptist, indeed, every Christian, should read this book. This seminary has served as a microcosm for the SBC as a whole for the last 150 years and is very informative in seeing why we are who we are because of where we've come from. I came into this book thinking that it was going to be long and boring, but I found myself not being able to put the book down because I was fascinated to see the start of this great seminary and the many trials and snares it has been through in the past 150 years! Trust me, you will not be disappointed with the time you put into reading this book!

Daniel E. Trevino

At 500+ pages you might wonder how much can be said, but the book was a page turned for me.Dr. Wills presents a compelling story of the work that God has done in returning the seminary to the original vision of serving the denomination that supports it faithfully.

Jarrod and Megan

Though a bit long, the history reads very well and helpfully charts the history of SBTS. This would be a fascinating case study for anyone hoping to understand the Southern Baptist denomination.

Daniel Pollin

An excellent History of the Southern Baptist Seminary, charts the heroic foundation days of Boyce right through the years of decline and controversy and eventually to the theologically robust and faithful seminary it is a present. Well worth the read.
