PART I WHAT HAPPENED IN THE 1990S? 1. The Size and Character of the Crime Decline 2. The Environment for Optimism: Crime Trends and Attitudes about the Effectiveness of Crime Policies PART II THE SEARCH FOR CAUSES 3. The Usual Suspects: Imprisonment, Demography, and the Economy 4. Progeny of the 1990s: Three New Explanations of Decline PART III TWO NEW PERSPECTIVES 5. Which Twin Has the Toni? Some Statistical Lessons from Canada 6. New York City's Natural Experiment PART IV TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY LESSONS 7. What Happens Next? 8. Seven Lessons from the 1990s Appendix 1: Crime and Abortion Policy in Europe, Canada, and Australia Appendix 2: Supplementary Statistics on Crime Trends in Canada during the 1990s Appendix 3: Trends for the City of New York and the United States during the 1990s Appendix 4: Measuring the Extent of Decline in Selected High-Decline Cities References Index