Environmental Diplomacy —— Negotiating More Effective Global Agreements

----- 环境外交:协商更有效的全球认同

ISBN: 9780199397990 出版年:2014 页码:246 Susskind, Lawrence E Ali, Saleem H Hamid, Zakri Abdul Oxford University Press


Environmental Diplomacy: Negotiating More Effective Global Agreements provides an accessible narrative on understanding the geopolitics of negotiating international environmental agreements and clear guidance on improving the current system. In this book, authors Lawrence Susskind and Saleem Ali expertly observe international environmental negotiations to effectively inform the reader on the geopolitics of protecting our planet. This second edition offers an additional perspective from the Global South as well as providing a broader analysis of the role of science in environmental treaty-making. It provides a unique contribution as a panoramic analysis of the process of environmental treaty-making.

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