Youth-Led Community Organizing —— Theory and Action

----- 青年领导型社区的组织:理论与实践

ISBN: 9780195182767 出版年:2009 页码:271 Delgado, Melvin Staples, Lee Oxford University Press


This book is the first to give a comprehensive overview to the field of youth-led organizing, a rapidly growing area of social work practice. It provides an updated review on how the youth-led movement has evolved over the past five years, with special attention to its future directions. The authors, well respected in the field (Delgado is the author of two previous OUP books) provide a conceptual and practice foundation, rooted in a social justice perspective, from which youth-led community organizing can be understood, analyzed, and undertaken. Case examples illustrate the key principles of youth-led organizing, and practical recommendations identify key facilitating and hindering factors for organizations wishing to bolster youth-led community organizing.

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