









Unbounded Wholeness —— Dzogchen, Bon, and the Logic of the Nonconceptual

----- 无界:大圆满法、宗教学和无念逻辑学

ISBN: 9780195178500 出版年:2006 页码:418 Klein, Anne Carolyn Wangyal, Tenzin Rinpoche, Geshe Oxford University Press


In this book, Anne Carolyn Klein, an American scholar and teacher of Buddhism, and Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, a rigorously trained Tibetan Lama who was among the first to bring Bon Dzogchen teachings to the West, provide a study and translation of the Authenticity of Open Awareness, a foundational text of the Bon Dzogchen tradition. This is the first time a Bon philosophical text of this scope has been translated into any Western language, and as such it is a significant addition to the study of Tibetan religion and Eastern thought. Klein and Rinpoche provide extensive introductory, explanatory and historical material that situates the text in the context of Tibetan thought and culture, thus making it accessible to nonspecialists, and an essential reference for scholars and practitioners alike.

Taylor Ellwood

This book is unlike the other books that Tenzin has put out. It's more academic, but it provides some very useful cultural context that you may find helpful in understanding Bon and Dzogchen.


Tenzin Wangyal is an excellent for teacher for our modern times

Pawel Grabowski

One of the most important books in my life. Great insight, clear and understandable but not oversimplified. I try to have always this book with me, coming back to it again and again. Eyes-opening read.


Even without the plethora of exerpts from Bon Dzogchen tantras, this text is worth its weight in gold. Many important questions relevant to Dzogchen practitioners are discussed including the role of virtue, the place of effort, and the nature of the base in the Dzogchen teachings.


Great product and service.


I just recently started to read the books of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. He was educated by some of the most reputed masters of Bon. So don't let his inconspicuous appearance fool you! This book is a incredible powerfull key for the few pioneers who are willing to go all the way. If you have a lot of unfinished business within the context of society it is better to resolve that first and simultaneously start the gradual path. But with this method you have to go all in and still have to learn not to expect any results. Getting to know your mind and ego is the name of the game. And it is quite a rough and long journey. Desidentification hurts! Prof. Anne Carolyn Klein is very precise and clear about a fundamental method of trancendence. I had a feeling that for the first hundred pages or so she tries to test your resolve with a very intellectual approach indeed. Now I entered into parts of the book that are incredible clear and liberating! I wish there was books like this when I started to meditate regularily about nearly 40 years ago.

Westley Burke

If you're the kind of practitioner who likes to read the theory and dialectic of practice then this is a book for you. If you're looking for a conversaional book of teachings then look elsewhere.

penelope l. shackelford

A great insight, for layman and philosopher as well. Written concisely and clearly. There are very few books available on this topic and this one does it well.

Pawel Grabowski

One of the most important books in my life. Great insight, clear and understandable but not oversimplified.I try to have always this book with me, coming back to it again and again. Eyes-opening read.


Even without the plethora of exerpts from Bon Dzogchen tantras, this text is worth its weight in gold. Many important questions relevant to Dzogchen practitioners are discussed including the role of virtue, the place of effort, and the nature of the base in the Dzogchen teachings.


I just recently started to read the books of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. He was educated by some of the most reputed masters of Bon. So don't let his inconspicuous appearance fool you! This book is a incredible powerfull key for the few pioneers who are willing to go all the way. If you have a lot of unfinished business within the context of society it is better to resolve that first and simultaneously start the gradual path. But with this method you have to go all in and still have to learn not to expect any results. Getting to know your mind and ego is the name of the game. And it is quite a rough and long journey. Desidentification hurts!Prof. Anne Carolyn Klein is very precise and clear about a fundamental method of trancendence. I had a feeling that for the first hundred pages or so she tries to test your resolve with a very intellectual approach indeed. Now I entered into parts of the book that are incredible clear and liberating! I wish there was books like this when I started to meditate regularily about nearly 40 years ago.

Westley Burke

If you're the kind of practitioner who likes to read the theory and dialectic of practice then this is a book for you. If you're looking for a conversaional book of teachings then look elsewhere.
