----- 巴黎气候协议: 分析和评论
Part I. Introductory chapters -- Introduction: Scientific and political drivers for the Paris Agreement / Andreas Fischlin, Maria Ivanova -- Foundations for the Paris Agreement / Joanna Depledge, Andrew Higham -- Negotiating history of the Paris Agreement / Jane Bulmer, Meinhard Doelle, and Daniel Klein -- Central concepts in the Paris Agreement and how they evolved / Lavanya Rajamani and Emmanuel Guerin -- Legal form of the Paris Agreement and nature of its obligations / Ralph Bodle and Sebastian Oberthur -- Part II. Analysis of the provisions of the agreement -- Contextual provisions (Preamble and Article 1) / Maria Pia Carazo-- Objective (Article 2.1) / Halldor Thorgeirsson -- Guiding principles and general obligation (Article 2.2 and Article 3) / Lavanya Rajamani -- Mitigation (Article 4) / Harald Winkler -- Conserving and enhancing sinks and reservoirs of greenhouse gases, including forests (Article 5) / Antonio G M La Vina and Alaya de Leon --^