----- 环境中常见的欧洲销售法:英国和德国法律交互
1. Introduction 2. Choice of CESL and Conflict of Laws 3. Drafting and Interpretation 4. Conceptions of Contract 5. Non-Discrimination and the 'Constitutionalization' of Contract Law 6. Language of Information, Contract, and Communication 7. Pre-Contractual Duties 8. Conclusion of Contract 9. The Right of Withdrawal 10. Interpretation of Contracts 11. Defects in Consent: Mistake, Fraud, Coercion, Threats, Unfair Exploitation 12. Control of Standard Contract Terms 13. 'Representation' 14. Contract Terms in Favour of Third Parties 15. Transfer of Rights and Obligations 16. Supervening Events 17. Obligations of Sellers and Buyers 18. Specific Performance and Right of Cure 19. Termination, Price Reduction, and Damages 20. Control of Standard Terms and Collective Proceedings 21. The CESL as Optional Sales Law: Interactions with English and German Law 22. The DCFR and the CESL as Models for Law Reform