----- 规范失业的风险:后工业化国家适应欧洲劳动力市场
List of Figures List of Tables List of Appendices List of Abbreviations List of Annexes List of contributors 1. Unemployment Protection and Labour Market Change in Europe: Towards 'Triple Integration'? PART I: NATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS 2. The United Kingdom - Towards a Single Working-Age Benefit 3. France - Integration versus Dualisation 4. Germany - Moving Towards Integration Whilst Maintaining Segmentation 5. The Netherlands - Two Tiers for All 6. Belgium - A Precursor Muddling Through? 7. Switzerland - A Latecomer Catching Up? 8. Italy - Partial Adaptation of an Atypical Benefit System 9. Spain - Fragmented Unemployment Protection in a Segmented Labour Market 10. Denmark - Ambiguous Modernisation of an Inclusive Unemployment Protection System 11. Sweden - Ambivalent Adjustment 12. Hungary - Fiscal Pressures and a Rising Resentment Against the (idle) Poor 13. The Czech Republic -Activation, Diversification and Marginalisation PART II: CROSS-NATIONAL PERSPECTIVES 14. Quantity over Quality? A European Comparison of the Changing Nature of Transitions Between Non-Employment and Employment 15. Tracking Caseloads - The Changing Composition of Working-Age Benefit Receipt in Europe 16. Active Labour Market Policies in a Changing Economic Context 17. The Transformation of Unemployment Protection in Europe