----- 真实生态系与模型生态系
1. Approaches to studying food webs SECTION I: MODELLING SIMPLE AND MULTISPECIES COMMUNITIES 2. Models of Simple and Complex Systems 3. Connectedness Food Webs 4. Energy Flux Food Webs 5. Functional webs SECTION II: THE DYNAMICS AND STABILITY OF SIMPLE AND COMPLEX COMMUNITIES 6. Energetic Organization and Food Web Stability 7. Enrichment, Trophic Structure, and Dynamic Stability 8. Modeling Compartments 9. Productivity, Dynamic Stability, and Species Richness SECTION III: DYNAMIC FOOD WEB ARCHITECTURES 10. Species-based versus Biomass-based Food Web Descriptions 11. Dynamic Architectures and Stability of Complex Systems along Productivity Gradients 12. Food Webs Dynamics Beyond Asymptotic Behavior References Index