1. Appeals and Review of Magistrates and certain Crown Court decisions: Choosing the Appropriate Procedure 2. Appeals from the Magistrates Court to the Crown Court 3. Appeals to the Divisional Court by Way of Case Stated 4. Judicial Review of the Decisions of Magistrates Courts and the Crown Court: Grounds, Remedies and Procedure 5. Appeals to the Court of Appeal (Criminal Division): General issues 6. The Procedure in Appeals to the Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) 7. Interlocutory Appeals 8. Prosecution of Interlocutory Appeals: Acquittal Agreements and Evidential Rulings under the Criminal Justice Act 2003 9. Grounds of Appeal Against Conviction following Trial on Indictment 10. Grounds of Appeal Against Sentence 11. Powers of the Court of Appeal Criminal Divison) 12. The Criminal Cases Review Commission 13. References to the Court of Appeal by the Attorney-General 14. The Royal Prerogative of Mercy 15. Appeal to the Supreme Court 16. Funding for Criminal Appeals and Applications to the Criminal Cases Review Commission 17. The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council Appendices