----- 训练有素-关于日常观念和行动的现象学论文
Introduction: Hubert Dreyfus and the Phenomenology of Human Intelligence SECTION ONE: THE PHENOMENOLOGY OF SKILLS 1. From Socrates to Expert Systems: The Limits of Calculative Rationality (with Stuart E. Dreyfus) (1985) SECTION TWO: INTENTIONALITY AND MIND 2. The Perceptual Noema: Gurwitsch's Crucial Contribution (1972) 3. Heidegger's Critique of the Husserl/Searle Account of Intentionality (1993) 4. Todes's Account of Nonconceptual Perceptual Knowledge and Its Relation to Thought (2001) 5. Overcoming the Myth of the Mental: How Philosophers Can Profit from the Phenomenology of Everyday Expertise (2005) SECTION THREE: PHENOMENOLOGY AND THE HUMAN SCIENCES 6. Holism and Hermeneutics (1980) 7. The Primacy of Phenomenology over Logical Analysis (2001) 8. From Depth Psychology to Breadth Psychology: A Phenomenological Approach to Psychopathology (with Jerome Wakefield) (1988) 9. What is Moral Maturity? Towards A Phenomenology of Ethical Expertise (with Stuart E. Dreyfus) (1992) SECTION FOUR: EMBODIED COPING AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 10. Making a Mind Versus Modeling the Brain: Artificial Intelligence Back at a Branchpoint (with Stuart E. Dreyfus) (1988) 11. Merleau-Ponty and Recent Cognitive Science (2004) 12. Why Heideggerian AI Failed and How Fixing it Would Require Making it More Heideggerian (2007) Bibliography Index