----- 那场最令世人纠结的谋杀:历代人看《哈姆雷特》
INTRODUCTION 1. Prologue to Some Great Amiss: The Prehistory of Hamlet 2. Actions That a Man Might Play: Hamlet on Stage in 1599-1601 3. The Play's the Thing: Ideological Contexts of Hamlet in 1599-1601 4. The Mirror Up to Nature: Hamlet in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries 5. The Very Torrent, Tempest, and Whirlwind of Your Passion: Hamlet in the Nineteenth Century 6. Reform It Altogether: Hamlet, c. 1900-1980 7. There is Nothing Either Good or Bad But Thinking Makes It So: Postmodern Hamlet NOTES FURTHER READING INDEX