----- 福利汇聚的世界?21世纪英国和德国社会政策
1. Introduction PART I: WELFARE VALUES 2. Differing notions of social welfare? Britain and Germany Compared 3. Fairness and Social Provision: Qualitative Evidence from Germany and the UK 4. Challenges of Ethnic Diversity: Results from a Qualitative Study PART II: WELFARE POLICIES PART II A: SUPPORTING FAMILIES 5. Family Policy - Striving for Sustainability 6. Increasing Returns: The New Economy of Family Policy in Britain and Germany 7. Family-friendly Working Time Policy in Germany and the United Kingdom 8. Cross-national Perspectives on Firm-level Family Policies: Britain, Germany and the US Compared PART II. B: SUPPORTING PENSIONERS 9. Towards German Liberalism and British Social Democracy: The Evolution of Two Public-occupational Pension Regimes from 1945 to 2009 10. The Impact of the New Public and Private Pension Settlements in Britain and Germany on Citizen's Income in Old Age 11. Can Private Insurers Bridge the Savings Gap? Regulation and Performance of Personal Pensions in Great Britain and Germany PART 11 C: EMPLOYMENT AND UNEMPLOYMENT 12. Higher Education and Graduate Employment - The Importance of Occupational Specificity in Germany and Britain 13. From Unemployment Protection to 'Work First'. Is German Labour Market Policy Becoming British? 14. Conclusion: Parallel Paths, Great Similarities, Prevailing Differences