----- 刺绳外交:英国,德国和1939年至1945年战争囚犯的政治
Introduction: Barbed Wire Diplomacy: Britain, Germany and the politics of prisoners of war during the Second World War 1. Explaining coordination and cooperation in Anglo-German relations, 1939-1945 2. Building the interwar POW regime 3. POWs and Anglo-German relations, 1939-1941 4. The amateurs try their hand. The provision of relief parcels, 1940-41 5. The POW regime, October 1941 - December, 1942: from 'cooperation' to 'coordination' 6. The shadow of the shackling crisis, 1943 7. The role of the Dominions in British POW policy 8. The limits of attraction: British policy and the 'Great Escape', 1944 9. Avoiding Gotterdammerung, 1945 Conclusion