Time for a Visible Hand —— Lessons from the 2008 World Financial Crisis

----- 有形之手的时间:来自2008年世界金融危机的教训 精装本

ISBN: 9780199578801 出版年:2010 页码:375 Oxford University Press


1. Introduction PART I: THE CRISIS IN THE UNITED STATES 2. The Financial Crisis of 2007-2008 and its Macroeconomic Consequences 3. Subprime Finance: Yes, We are Still in Kansas 4. Background Considerations to a Re-regulation of the U.S. Financial System: Third time a Charm? Or Strike Three? 5. Responding to the Crisis PART II: REFORMING FINANCIAL REGULATION 6. Central Banks, Liquidity and the Banking Crisis 7. Agenda and Criteria for Financial Regulatory Reform 8. The Role of Policy and Banking Supervision in the Light of the Credit Crisis 9. How, If at All, should Credit Rating Agencies (CRAs) be Regulated? 10. Credit Default Swaps (CDSs): The Keys to Financial Reform 11. Governing the Regulatory System PART III: DEVELOPING COUNTRY PERSPECTIVES 12. The Management of Capital Flows and Financial Vulnerability in Asia 13. Regulation of Financial Sector in Developing Countries: Lessons from the 2008 Financial Crisis 14. Economic Development and the International Financial System 15. The Accumulation of International Reserves as a Defense Strategy PART IV: REFORMING THE GLOBAL MONETARY SYSTEM 16. Reforming the Global Reserve System 17. A Modest Proposal for International Monetary Reform

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