----- 英国教会和基督教古代:17世纪宗教身份的建设
INTRODUCTION I. The English Reformation and the Protestant view of antiquity The Protestant appeal to the Fathers from Cranmer to Jewel Sola Scriptura Patristic orthodoxy 'Unwritten traditions' and the 'consensus of the Fathers' Witnesses to the truth: the Fathers and the Protestant view of Church history Augustine, Calvin, and Reformed orthodoxy II. Becoming traditional? The appeal to antiquity in Jacobean controversies Primitive episcopacy Christ's descent into Hell The cessation of miracles From distinctiveness to singularity III. Arminianism, Laudianism and the Fathers Theological method Augustinism and Calvinism The authority of tradition IV. The Fathers assaulted The survival of Elizabethan theology Theological liberalism and the Fathers: the Great Tew circle An anti-patristic breviary: Jean Daille's Use of the Fathers The first English fortune of Daille's Use of the Fathers V. A patristic identity Puritan scripturalism The extinction of the Great Tew spirit? The Restoration Church between Dissenters and Papists History versus enthusiasm Winning the patristic argument VI. The case for tradition Defending the Fathers Hierarchical tradition: the solution of Herbert Thorndike Historical tradition: the solution of Henry Dodwell CONCLUSION