----- 创新、路径依赖与政策:挪威实例
1. Introduction: Innovation in Norway SECTION I: THE HISTORICAL EVOLUTION AND CURRENT STRUCTURE OF THE NORWEGIAN NATIONAL INNOVATION SYSTEM 2. The Layers of National Innovation Systems: The Historical Evolution of a National Innovation System in Norway 3. Public sector research and industrial innovation in Norway: a historical perspective 4. Policies for Path Creation: The rise and fall of Norway's research-driven strategy for industralisation 5. Historical Fingerprints? A Taxonomy of Norwegian innovation SECTION II: SECTORAL INNOVATION SYSTEMS IN NORWAY: OLD AND NEW PATHS 6. Innovation and Production in the Norwegian Aluminium Industry 7. The Development of the Norwegian Petroleum Innovation System: A Historical Overview 8. The Innovation System of Norwegian Aquacultured Salmonids 9. The Biotechnology industry in Norway: A marginal sector or future core activity 10. Slow Growth and Revolutionary Change: The Norwegian IT Industry Enters the Global Age, 1970-2005 SECTION 3: INNOVATION POLICY AND INSTITUTIONS IN CONTEMPORARY NORWAY 11. University-Industry Relations in Norway 12. The Technical-Industrial Research Institutes in the Norwegian Innovation System 13. Industrial R&D Policy in Norway: who gets the funding and what are the effects?