----- 乔伊斯的复仇:尤利西斯的历史,政治和美学
INTRODUCTION 1. 'Patiens Ingemiscit': Stephen Dedalus, Ireland and History 2. 'Only A Foreigner Would Do': Leopold Bloom, Ireland and Jews 3. 'Gentle Will is Being Roughly Handled': "Scylla and Charybdis" 4. 'A Look Around': "Wandering Rocks" 5. 'History, All That': "Sirens", "Cyclops" 6. 'Waking Up in Ireland': "Nausicaa" 7. 'An Irish Bull in an English Chinashop': "Oxen of the Sun" 8. 'Strangers in My House, Bad Manners to Them!': "Circe" 9. 'Mingle Mangle or Gallimaufry': "Eumaeus" 10. 'An Aberration of the Light of Reason': "Ithaca" 11. 'The End of All Resistance': "Penenlope" BIBLIOGRAPHY INDEX