----- 工作中的妇女:经济学视角
WOMEN IN THE LABOUR FORCE: HOW WELL IS EUROPE DOING? 1. Introduction 2. Some facts about women's employment patterns 3. What explains women's employment patterns? 4. Job segregation 5. Wage gaps 6. The consequences of rising female participation for other workers 7. What should polcy do? Comments by Florence Jaumotte Comments by Richard Rogerson LABOUR MARKET PARTICIPATION OF WOMEN AND FERTILITY: THE EFFECT OF SOCIAL POLICIES 1. Labour supply and fertility in Europe and the U.S. 2. Parental work and child welfare 3. How does women's work affect family income distribution? 4. Taxes, transfers, labour supply and household welfare 5. What should policies do? Comments by Valerie Lechene Comments by Giovanni Andrea Cornia Final Remarks by Giuseppe Bertola and Gosta Esping-Andersen