----- 白话中的政治:民族主义,多元文化主义和公民身份
PART L. THE EVOLUTION OF MINORITY RIGHTS DEBATE 1. The New Debate over Minority Rights 2. Liberal Culturalism: An Emerging Consensus? 3. Do We Need a Liberal Theory of Minority Rights? REPLY TO CARENS, YOUNG, PAREKH, AND FROST PART LL. ETHNOCULTURAL JUSTICE 4. Human Rights and Ethnocultural Justice 5. Minority Nationalism and Multination Federalism 6. Theorizing Indigenous Rights 7. Indigenous Rights and Environmental Justice 8. The Theory and Practice of Immigrant Multiculturalism 9. A Crossroad in Race Relations PART LLL. MISUNDERSTANDING NATIONALISM 10. From Enlightenment Cosmopolitanism to Liberal NATIONALISM 11. Cosmopolitanism, Nation-States, and Minority Nationalism 12. Misunderstanding Nationalism 13. The Paradox of Nationalism 14. American Multiculturalism in the International Arena 15. Minority Nationalism and Immigrant Integration PART LV: DEMOCRATIC CITIZENSHIP IN MULTIETHNIC STATES 16. Education for Citizenship 17. Citizenship in an Era of Globalization: Commentary on Held 18. Liberal Egalitarianism and Civic Republicanism: Friends or Enemies?