----- 文本主体性:中世纪叙事和抒情诗中主体性的编码.
1. SUBJECTIVITY AND TEXTUALITY 'Writing is nothing but the representation of speech' 'There can be no narrative without a narrator' Did Subjectivity Emerge? The Following Chapters 2. ROMANCES King Horn Havelok 3. TROILUS AND CRISEYDE The Narrator in Troilus Criticism Is There a Fallible Narrator? Is There a Distinct Narratorial Discourse? The Narrator and Criseyde 4. THE MAN OF LAW'S TALE Narrators in Canterbury Tales Criticism The Man of Law as Fallible Narrator Subjectivized Narration The Achievement of the Man of Law's Tale 5. NARRATION IN THE PEARL POET 'Third-Person' Narration 'First-Person' Narration 6. LYRICS What is a Lyric? 'Lovers that kan make of sentement' Lyric as Dramatic Monologue? Chaucer's Complaint Unto Pity 7. EPISTOLARY POEMS Ovid's Heroides Two Middle English Epistolary Lyrics