----- 广受赞美的神: 早期希腊与美索不达米亚宗教诗歌
Acknowledgements Abbreviations Conventions Introduction 1. Sumerian Hymns of the Old Babylonian Period 2. Akkadian Hymns of the Old Babylonian Period 3. The Hittite Evidence in the Light of the Old Babylonian Sources 4. Introductory Remarks on the Early Greek and Mesopotamian Sources 5. Hymnic Openings 6. A Case of Negative Predication 7. Variations on the Names of the Goddess 8. Sumerian and Hittite Notes on Iliad 1.62-4 Conclusion Catalogue A: Old Babylonian Hymns Catalogue B: Old Babylonian Akkadian Hymns Catalogue C: Hittite Hymns Catalogue D: Greek Hymns and Authors References