----- 权力转移-手稿和打印稿的实验性上光实例
Introduction 1. Material Processes: The Glossing of Lydgate's Siege of Thebes and Fall of Princes 2. Authors, Translators and Commentators: Glossing Practices in Bodleian MS Fairfax 16 3. Exhortations to the Reader: The Double Glossing of Douglas's Eneados 4. Glossing the Spoken Word: Erasmus's Moriae Encomium and Thomas Chaloner's Praise of Folie 5. 'A Broil of Voices': The Printed Word in Baldwin's Beware the Cat and Bullein's Dialogue against the Fever Pestilence 6. 'Masking naked in a net': George Gascoigne and Sir John Harington 7. 'Playing the Dolt in Print': The Extemporary Glossing of Nashe's Pierce Penilesse Afterword