An Introduction to the Model Penal Code

ISBN: 9780190243043 出版年:2015 页码:250 Dubber, Markus D Oxford University Press


Preface Acknowledgments Introduction 1 A Key to the Model Penal Code and to American Criminal Law 2 Origins: The ALI, Legal Process, and Treatmentism 2.1 Criminal Propensities 2.2 The Model Penal and Correctional Code 2.3 The Structure of the Model Penal Code 3 The Model Penal Code in a Nutshell: Section 1.02 3.1 The Prerequisites of Criminal Liability: Of Crimes and Criminals 3.2 The Analysis of Criminal Liability: Three Levels of Inquiry Chapter 1: Criminal Conduct 4 "Conduct" 4.1 Actus Reus (A) Act (B) Voluntariness (C) Omission (D) Possession 4.2 Mens Rea and Offense Elements (A) Element Types (B) The Mens Rea Requirement (C) Rules of Interpretation (D) Modes of Culpability (E) Matching Conduct to Offense 4.3 Intoxication and Mistake (A) Intoxication (B) Mistake 4.4 Liability for Another's Conduct (A) Instruments (B) Complicity (C) Corporations 5 "That Inflicts or Threatens" 5.1 Causation 5.2 Inchoate Offenses (A) Attempt (B) Conspiracy (C) Solicitation (D) Renunciation 6 "Substantial Harm to Individual or Public Interests" 6.1 Substantial Harm 6.2 Individual or Public Interests Chapter 2: Justification 7 Defenses in General 8 Necessity 9 Defense of Persons (Self and Others) and of Property 9.1 Self-Defense (A) Use of Force Upon or Toward Another Person (B) Belief (C) Necessity (D) Unlawfulness (E) Immediacy and Protection (F) Self- and Other-Defense 9.2 Defense of Property 9.3 Deadly Force 10 Law Enforcement 11 Consent Chapter 3: Excuse 12 Excuses in the Model Penal Code 13 Duress 14 Entrapment 15 Ignorance of Law 16 Provocation and Diminished Capacity 17 Insanity and Infancy Conclusion 18 Analysis of Criminal Liability Table of Cases Table of Model Penal Code Sections and Statutes Index

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