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Struggling for Air —— Power Plants and the "War on Coal"

----- 苦苦挣扎的空气:发电厂和煤炭战争

ISBN: 9780190233112 出版年:2015 页码:233 Revesz, Richard Lienke, Jack Oxford University Press


Struggling for Air offers the most comprehensive analysis to date of the Obama administration policies that have become known as the "war on coal." Unconventionally, the authors trace the origins of this "war" to a fateful decision made by Congress almost half a century ago, when it passed the Clean Air Act of 1970. That Act imposed stringent requirements on new sources of pollution but, for the most part, gave existing sources a pass on controlling their emissions. This regulatory imbalance, known as grandfathering, left old, dirty, coal-fired power plants with a perverse incentive to continue operating for far longer than originally planned. The book argues that the Obama administration's environmental regulations are not the "unprecedented regulatory assault" on coal alleged by critics, but the culmination of 25 years of efforts, by administrations of both parties, to undo the negative consequences of Congress's 1970 error by cleaning up or closing down grandfathered power plants.

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