Quality Peace —— Peacebuilding, Victory and World Order

----- 质量和平:战略建设和平和世界秩序

ISBN: 9780190215545 出版年:2015 页码:263 Wallensteen, Peter Oxford University Press


Table of Contents Dedication Acknowledgements Preface 1. Peacebuilding, Victory and Quality Peace 1.1 The Challenge of Peace after War 1.2 Peacebuilding: A Conceptual History 1.3 Victory, World Order and Quality Peace 1.4 Perspectives on Peace after War 1.5 This Book Box 1.1. Table 1.1 2. Quality Peace and Contemporary Scholarship 2.1 Peace in Post-Cold War Conditions 2.2. Post-War Conditions in Contemporary Writing 2.3 The Strategic Approach: At War's End 2.4 The Systemic Approach: Works by Doyle and Sambanis 2.5 Structural Approaches: Civil War as Instability 2.6 Lessons from Inter-State Wars 2.7 The Post-Cold War Period as World Order 2.8 Measurements and Indicators Table 2.1 Table 2.2 Table 2.3 3. Quality Peace after Civil Wars 3.1. Civil War Outcomes 3.2 After Civil War: Peacebuilding Strategies 3.3 Civil War and International Attention 3.4 Drawing General Conclusions 3.5 Quality Peace after Civil War Table 3.1 4. Quality Peace and State Formation 4.1 Outcomes in State Formation Conflicts 4.2 Challenges to Peace in State Formation Conflicts 4.3 Termination of State Formation Conflicts: An Overview 4.4. State Separation and Quality Peace 4.5 Autonomy and Quality Peace 4.6 Autonomy: Solution v. Step to Separation 4.7 Quality Peace in State Formation Solutions Table 4.1 5. Quality Peace between States: A Challenge 5.1 Inter-State Peacebuilding: A Neglected Field 5.2 Quality Peace and the Settlement of Issues 5.3 Quality Peace and Security Building 5.4 Quality Peace and Dignity 5.5 Challenges of Inter-state Quality Peace Table 5.1 6. Quality Peace and World Order: Uncharted Terrain 6.1 Bringing in World Order 6.2 After World War II: The Consolidation of Victory 6.3 After the Cold War: A 'New World Order' 6.4. World Order and Quality Peace 7. International Organizations and Quality Peace 7.1 World Order and Global Institutions 7.2 Regional Orders and Their Limits 7.3 The United Nations in the Post-Cold War Period 7.4 International Organizations and the Future of Quality Peace Graph 7.1 8. Paths to Quality Peace 8.1 Twenty-Five Conclusions 8.2 The Value of Quality Peace References Index Box 1.1UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali and Peacebuilding Table 1.1 Peacebuilding in Contemporary Scholarship Table 2.1 Peace Agreements and Types of Conflict 1975-2010 Table 2.2 Victory in Armed Conflicts since 1975 Table 2.3 Peacebuilding and Incompatibility in Internal Conflicts since 1944 Table 3.1 Peacebuilding Missions, War Outcomes and Democracy Table 4.1 Post-War Situations in State Formation Conflicts, since 1989 Table 5.1 Inter-state Armed Conflicts: Outcomes, 1975-2010 Graph 7.1 UN Security Council Resolutions, 1946-2013 Appendix 3.1 Success in Peacebuilding, Revisiting Doyle and Sambanis Appendix 3.2 Case Information for Table 3.1 Appendix 3.3 Statistical Information for Table 3.1

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