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Waste: A Handbook for Management gives the broadest, most complete coverage of waste in our society. The book examines a wide range of waste streams, including: household waste (compostable material, paper, glass, textiles, household chemicals, plastic, water, and e-waste); industrial waste (metals, building materials, tires, medical, batteries, hazardous mining, and nuclear); societal waste (ocean, military, and space); and the future of landfills and incinerators. Covering all the issues related to waste in one volume helps lead to comparisons, synergistic solutions, and a more informed society. In addition, the book offers the best ways of managing waste problems through recycling, incineration, landfill and other processes. Features: co-author Daniel Vallero interviewed on NBC's Today show for a segment on recycling; scientific and non-biased overviews will assist scientists, technicians, engineers, and government leaders; all main types of waste, including household, industrial, and societal; and strong focus on management and recycling provides solutions.