Broadband Cable Access Networks —— The HFC Plant

----- 宽带有线接入网络:HFC设备(现代有线电视技术)

ISBN: 9780123744012 出版年:2008 页码:427 Large, David Farmer, James Morgan Kaufmann_RM


This book focuses on broadband distribution and systems architecture and concentrates on practical concepts that will allow the reader to do their own design, improvement, and troubleshooting work. The objective is to enhance the skill sets of a large population that designs and builds broadband cable plants, as well as those maintaining and troubleshooting it. A large cross-section of technical personnel who need to learn these skills design, maintain, and service HFC systems from signal creation through transmission to reception and processing at the customer end point. In addition, data/voice and video specialists need to master and reference the basics of HFC design and distribution before contending with the intricacies of their own unique services. This book serves as an essential reference to all cable engineers--those who specifically design and maintain the HFC distribution plant as well as those primarily concerned with data/voice technology as well as video technology. Included is an online component consisting of spreadsheets that were used in developing the material presented in the book. Concentrates on practical concepts that will allow the user to do his own design, improvement, and trouble-shooting work. Prepares cable engineers and technicians to work with assurance as they face the latest developments and future directions. Concise and tightly focused, allowing readers to easily find answers to questions about an idea or concept they are developing in this area.

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