----- 地下水模拟:介绍与样本程序的基础
1. Introduction. 2. Regional Groundwater Flow Modelling. Scope of application. Phenomena to be considered and basic equations of flow. 3. Numerical Methods for the Solution of the Flow Equation. Analytical solutions of the flow equation and limits to their application. Difference method. Finite element method. 4. Parameter Estimation. Parameter identification in pumping tests. Estimation of groundwater recharge from precipitation. Parameter identification by calibration of the numerical model. 5. The Groundwater Management Problem. Formulation of the optimization problem. The simplex-algorithm. 6. Regional Pollutant Transport Models. Scope of application. Phenomena to be considered and basic equations. 7. Methods for Solving the Transport Equation. Analytical solutions. Dispersion-free approximation. Difference method. Finite element method. Method of characteristics. The random-walk method. Applicability of transport models. Appendices.