Thermal Methods of Petroleum Production

ISBN: 9780444873729 出版年:2011 页码:219 Baibakov, N K Garushev, A R Cieslewicz, W J Elsevier Science_RM


Until now, information on Russian enhanced oil recovery (EOR) research work and field experience has not been available in English. This work, originally published in Russian, describes in a systematic manner recent Russian laboratory and field research, as well as industrial experience of applying thermal EOR methods in different Russian oil fields - some with high viscosity crudes and others with low viscosity. It is written by two leading Russian specialists, and contains 116 diagrams (curves, graphs, designs), and 36 tables (research data).The book will be valuable to petroleum companies throughout the world, oil field servicing companies, petroleum engineering consultants, and libraries of technical institutes and universities.

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