----- 人体运动理解:从计算几何到人工智能
Action. Trajectory Formation (P. Morasso). Complex Motor Patterns: Walking (L. Baratto, P. Morasso, R. Zaccaria). Dance and Movement Notation (A. Camurri et al.). NEM: A Language for the Representation of Motor Knowledge (G. Marino et al.). Environment. Compliance (F.A. Mussa Ivaldi). Cognitive Modeling of Purposive Actions (G. Adorni et al.). Shape. Analysis and Synthesis of Smooth Shapes (S. Gaglio et al.). Shape and Movement (R. Boccardo et al.). Time. Concurrent Parallel Processes (G. Marino, P. Morasso, R. Zaccaria). Describing and Performing Musical Processes (A. Camurri, G. Haus, R. Zaccaria). References. Subject Index.