Mitosis and Meiosis details the wide variety of methods currently used to study how cells divide as yeast and insect spermatocytes, higher plants, and sea urchin zygotes. With chapters covering micromanipulation of chromosomes and making, expressing, and imaging GFP-fusion proteins, this volume contains state-of-the-art "how to" secrets that allow researchers to obtain novel information on the biology of centrosomes and kinetochores and how these organelles interact to form the spindle.Chapters Contain Information On:* How to generate, screen, and study mutants of mitosis in yeast, fungi, and flies* Techniques to best image fluorescent and nonfluorescent tagged dividing cells* The use and action of mitoclastic drugs* How to generate antibodies to mitotic components and inject them into cells* Methods that can also be used to obtain information on cellular processes in nondividing cells