The Clostridia —— Molecular Biology and Pathogenesis

----- 梭状芽孢杆菌:分子生物学和发病机制

ISBN: 9780125950206 出版年:1997 页码:555 Academic Press_RM


The clostridia are a group of bacteria of considerable medical and economic importance and include species responsible for generating the most potent toxins known to humans. The Clostridia: Molecular Biology and Pathogenesis is a unique work, comprising the most complete reference on the clostridia for over 20 years, bringing together the results from some of the most innovative and exciting research in the past decade. Using a principle-oriented rather than taxonomic approach, the results from molecular biology research are placed in the context of their clinical significance, and the disease process as a whole. This state-of-the-art work is truly comprehensive, covering and integrating the diverse topics of genetics, physiology, pathogenesis and cell biology. Written and edited by world-renowned authorities, material is presented to give the reader an up-to-date knowledge of the pathogenic species of this important genus. Background information is followed by details of the genetics, molecular biology, biochemistry and disease mechanisms.
