----- 放射化学:现状与未来趋势
Radiation chemistry - from the early days to the next millennium Accelerators for ultrafast phenomena Ion-beam radiation chemistry Radiation chemistry under magnetic fields - Spin coherence effects Muonium chemistry Fundamental processes in gas-phase radiation chemistry High temperature water radiolysis Radiation chemistry of concentrated inorganic aqueous solutions Radiation chemistry of organic liquids - saturated hydrocarbons Radiation chemistry of organic halides in aqueous solutions Radiation chemistry of fullerenes Radiation chemistry of quinones Redox chemistry and energetics of radical cations of substituted benzenes Heteroatom-centered free radicals - some selected contributions by radiation chemistry Zeolite catalysis studies by radiation chemical methods Radiation chemistry of nanocolloids and clusters Radiation chemical studies of porphyrins and metalloporphyrins Carbohydrates Radiation chemistry of the nucleobases Radiation chemistry of proteins Radiation-induced damage in DNA Free radical mechanisms in anti-cancer drug research. (Part contents).