Mouse Development —— Patterning, Morphogenesis, and Organogenesis

----- 小鼠发育:模式,形态发生和器官发生

ISBN: 9780125979511 出版年:2002 页码:731 Rossant, Janet Tam, Patrick T Academic Press_RM


Establishment of Body Pattern Fertilization and Activation of the Embryonic Genome Asymmetry and Pre-Pattern in Mammalian Development Anterior Posterior Patterning of the Mouse Body Axis at Gastrulation Left-Right Asymmetry Patterning, Regionalization and Cell Differentiation in the Forebrain Establishment of Anterior-Posterior and Dorsal-Ventral Pattern in the Early Central Nervous System Somitogenesis: Segmentation of the Paraxial Mesoderm and the Delineation of Tissue Compartments II. Lineage Specification and Differentiation Extraembryonic tissues Germ Cells Development of the Vertebrate Hematopoetic System Vasculogenesis and Angiogenesis Stem Cells of the Nervous System Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms Regulating Skeletal Muscle Development Chondrogenesis and Skeletogenesis III. Organogenesis Development of the Endoderm and its Tissue Derivatives Heart Development: Induction, Myogenesis and Patterning Sex Determination and Differentiation The Development of the Excretory System Craniofacial Development Pituitary Gland Development Sensory Organs: Eye Development of the Mouse Inner Ear Integumentary Structures

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