Handbook of the Logic of Argument and Inference —— The Turn Towards the Practical

----- 论证与推理逻辑手册:走向实践

ISBN: 9780444506504 出版年:2002 页码:509 Johnson, R H Ohlbach, H J Gabbay, Dov M North Holland_RM


Preface. List of Authors. Logic and The Practical Turn (J. Woods, R.H. Johnson, D.M. Gabbay, Hans Jurgen Ohlbach). Standard Logics as Theories of Argument and Inference: Deduction (J. Woods). Standard Logics as Theories of Argument and Inference: Induction (J. Woods). Internal Critique: A logic is not a Theory of Reasoning and a Theory of Reasoning is not a logic (G. Harman). Standard Logic as a Model of Reasoning: The Empirical Critique (D.N. Perkins). A Framework for Intersubjective Accountability: Dialogical Logic (E.M. Barth). Interrrogative Logic (J. Hintikka, I. Halonen, A. Mutanen). Informal Logic and the Reconfiguration of Logic (R.H. Johnson, J.A. Blair). Probability Logic (J. Williamson). Philosophical Incidence of Logic Programming (L.M. Pereira). Formal Approaches to Practical Reasoning: A Survey (D.M. Gabbay, J. Woods). Index.

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