----- 北美淡水藻类:生态学和分类
Introduction to Freshwater Algae. Freshwater Habits of Algae. Coccoid and Colonial Cyanobacteria. Filamentous Cyanobacteria. Red Algae. Flagellated Green Algae. Non-Motile Coccoid and Colonial Green Algae. Filamentous and Plant-Like Green Algae. Conjugating Green Algal Filaments and Desmids. Photosynthetic Euglenoids. Eustigmatophyte, Raphidophyte, and Tribophyte Algae. Non-Scaled Golden Algae. Haptophyte Algae. Synurophyte Algae. Centric Diatoms. Araphid and Monoraphid Diatoms. Symmetrical Naviculoid Diatoms. Eunotioid and Aysmmetrical Naviculoid Diatoms. Keeled Raphid Diatoms. Dinoflagellates. Cryptophyte Algae. Brown Algae. Use of Algae in Environmental Assessments. Control of Nuisance Algae.