Transaction Processing —— Concepts and Techniques

----- 交易处理:概念与技巧

ISBN: 9781558601901 出版年:1992 页码:1,122 Gray, Jim Reuter, Andreas Morgan Kaufmann_RM


From the Publisher: The key to client/server computing. Transaction processing techniques are deeply ingrained in the fields of databases and operating systems and are used to monitor, control and update information in modern computer systems. This book will show you how large, distributed, heterogeneous computer systems can be made to work reliably. Using transactions as a unifying conceptual framework, the authors show how to build high-performance distributed systems and high-availability applications with finite budgets and risk. The authors provide detailed explanations of why various problems occur as well as practical, usable techniques for their solution. Throughout the book, examples and techniques are drawn from the most successful commercial and research systems. Extensive use of compilable C code fragments demonstrates the many transaction processing algorithms presented in the book. The book will be valuable to anyone interested in implementing distributed systems or client/server architectures.


Best low level detailed transaction processing data management book ever written. Unfortunately, written 25 years ago and not widely read amongst the current crop of 'Big Data' architects (who are re-inventing various wheels without realizing it).


私はコンピュータサイエンス系の出身ではないので、学習するにあたって、良本を探すのに非常に苦労をする。 今回もDBをそろそろ勉強しようと近場の本屋へ物色しにいったものの、 10日で覚える〜といった、単に知っていればいいほんの一例に過ぎないような実践レベルの本しか売っていなかった。 私としては、自分で考える上で必要となる基本的な知識を得るための本が欲しかったため、再度ネットで探していたところ、 この本を見つけることが出来た。 感想としては、非常に中身が濃く読み応えがあり、色々と考えさせられる。 今まで読んできた他の本や論文の内容でよく分からない部分がちらほらあったのだが、ようやく繋がってきた。 最近はフレームワークとかが自動でやってしまうため考えずに済んでしまう(実はこれが一番恐ろしい)が、 一歩上を行くなら読むことをお勧めする。 一読する価値は絶対にある。 ただ、本のサイズが馬鹿でかい上に厚さも5センチくらいあり、 持ち運びには不便である。上下合わせたら広辞苑の厚さを確実に超える。


Excellent reference. Impeccably thorough, if palpably dated. While some material makes the text's age show, the vast majority remains fundamentally true today. The principles are rock solid, and as to the small details which don't match the modern world, it's important to note that while it's easy to laugh to laugh at them, the authors did a far better than average job of predicting the future than their contemporaries. I would whole heartedly recommend this reference and guide to anyone who is serious about understanding the concepts underpinning the vast majority of modern technology.

Tony Z

Hardcover version in perfect quality. Fast delivery. Thanks.

Chris Douglas

I've just started to work through this. The early sections on fault tolerance are clear and practical. Buyers should note the quality of the new printing. It is cheap, but legible. I've found no formatting errors, but the ink bleeds badly in contact with moisture.



M. E. Gordon

I bought a new copy of this ca. 2010 but had to give it away when I moved. When I went to reorder a new recently I was surprised to see that the price had dropped significantly. It was too good to be true. The copyright page says "Transferred to digital printing, 2011". The Amazon page doesn't show the new cover, which is solid black. The binding and the paper are much cheaper now, and the layout and printing are atrocious.

Mike Tarrani

For nearly a decade this book has been the definitive reference on transaction processing. Although the more recent, May 2001 book titled "Transactional Information Systems: Theory, Algorithms, and the Practice of Concurrency Control" by Gerhard Weikum and Gottfried Vossen will probably supplant this book as the standard reference, there is still much material that makes this book useful. In particular, this book covers the following topics in more depth than the newer boom cited above: - Fault tolerance and availability, both topics are covered in depth from hardware and software perspectives. This is unique for a book on transaction processing in that most books on the subject confine their scope to software and databases. - A wide and complete survey of transaction models. True, some of this material is about models that are falling into disuse, but the value is the way the authors go deeply into the mechanics. I've always felt that this part of the book is the most valuable because the principles can be refactored into hybrid models. Moreover, comparing this material with the newer book by Weikum and Vossen shows that these principles are still employed in today's TP solutions. Material about transaction processing monitors is obviously out of date, but, like the TP models, the principles still apply to contemporary systems. My recommendation is if you are going to buy a single book on the topic get the Weikum and Vossen I cited in the first paragraph. However, if your budget allows, I also highly recommend this book as well because of the depth in which fault tolerance and TP models are covered. If you want to just learn the basics of TP I recommend that you consider "Principles of Transaction Processing" by Philip A. Bernstein and Eric Newcomer because it is less daunting than this or the Weikum and Vossen book (both of which are 1100+ pages).

Ulrich Graser

If you read the book you have a clear understanding about the functionality and interactivity of the world's largest distributed database and transaction systems on different levels of abstraction. So the demands of the hardware architecture and the concepts of the software design from operationg system to application level are omnipresent illustrated and result in a feeling the reader will sense as a whole model of understanding. I recommend the book to everyone who makes decisions about serious computer questions in databases and in general operation systems. It gives also a profound example for good software engineering. By the way it demonstrates how to write a reliable (!) OS, how to propagate the certainty of having a process or not from the clock dependent processor tic(k) level to the front end ATM human computer interface. I hope there will be a next edition with updated values about the actual hardware specifications.

Dave Matthews

Great book definitely ahead of is time
