Principles of Corrosion Engineering and Corrosion Control

ISBN: 9780750659246 出版年:2006 页码:673 Ahmad, Zaki Butterworth-Heinemann_RM


Corrosion is a huge issue for materials, mechanical, civil and petrochemical engineers. With comprehensive coverage of the principles of corrosion engineering, this book is a one-stop text and reference for students and practicing corrosion engineers. Highly illustrated, with worked examples and definitions, it covers basic corrosion principles, and more advanced information for postgraduate students and professionals. Basic principles of electrochemistry and chemical thermodynamics are incorporated to make the book accessible for students and engineers who do not have prior knowledge of this area. Each form of corrosion covered in the book has a definition, description, mechanism, examples and preventative methods. Case histories of failure are cited for each form. End of chapter questions are accompanied by an online solutions manual.* Comprehensively covers the principles of corrosion engineering, methods of corrosion protection and corrosion processes and control in selected engineering environments* Structured for corrosion science and engineering classes at senior undergraduate and graduate level, and is an ideal reference that readers will want to use in their professional work* Worked examples, extensive end of chapter exercises and accompanying online solutions and written by an expert from a key pretochemical university

Forensic Engineer Al

I have really come to love this book over time. First off, the author clearly explains the basic workings of all corrosion mechanisms in detail with illustrative diagrams. I have read the classic Fontana books, Schweiter's works, and hundreds of articles on corrosion of metals, polymers, coatings etc but this book takes it to another level. I have achieved an enhanced understanding of all forms of corrosion including discovery of many finicky details heretofore unbeknownst to me. For example, regarding galvanic corrosion of zinc and iron, "at temperatures above 60 C (140F), the zinc becomes cathodic and the iron becomes anodic (p. 124)." In the rusting of iron, "if Fe(Oh)2 [ferrous hydroxide] is formed on the surface of a metal very rapidly, the corrosion is prevented (a passive film)", but "the corrosion rate is very high if the ferrous iron is oxidized to ferric oxide rapidly (p. 123)." Did you know that replacing a new pipe next to the old pipe makes the new pipe anodic, meaning the new pipe will corrode (p. 131)? Also, regarding galvanic corrosion, "titanium has a tendency to polarize cathodically in seawater. Any less resistant metal attached to titanium will not undergo corrosion as would be expected because of the cathodic polarization of titanium." In the "Types of Corrosion" chapter, the author goes into great detail to explain each mechanism in detail. On "factors affecting crevice corrosion", the author provides the following detailed list (p.140): 1. Bulk solution composition 2. Bulk soln environment 3. Mass transport in and out of crevice a. convection 4. Crevice solution 5. Electrochemical reactions a. metal dissolution b. O2 reduction c. H2 evolution 6. Alloy composition a. major constituents b. minor constituents c. impurities 7. Passive film characteristics a. passive current b. film stability 8. Crevice type a. metal/metal b. metal/non-metal c. metal/marine growth 9. Crevice geometry a. gap b. depth 10. Total geometry a. exterior to interior crevice area ratio b. number of crevices Have you ever seen such a thorough breakdown of crevice corrosion factors?? This is great, and it is typical of Mr. Ahmad's comprehensive approach throughout the book. Check out p.153 in the preview for an unparalled view of the anatomy of a pit. He then closes the section with an 11-point checklist for the prevention of pitting corrosion (p.162). After 150 pages of detailed insights, diagrams, and examples, this in-depth chapter finally comes to a close. In the "Corrosion Prevention by Design" chapter, illustrations are abound on every page. If you can preview the chapter, you'll see that the author was truly intent on making his readers understand these concepts fully. In addition, this is a great all-in-one quantitative book expecially as regard corrosion kinetics. Mr. Ahmad explains the derivations clearly and I was left with an understanding of the equations, how to use them, and the assumptions under which they are valid. A whole chapter on atmospheric corrosion is provided, illuminating the fact that "If the atmosphere is clear and uncontaminated, corrosion is negligible at a RH as high as 99%. However, in the presence of contaminants, corrosion begins to increase around 80% RH...steel can corrode even at 35% RH in the marine environment. At a RH of 55%, a surface film of 15 molecules thick is formed on mild steel, which increases to a 90 molecular layer as the RH increases to 100%, causing an acceleration of the corrosion process (p.554)." It goes on and on. On top of that, this jewel is available at a really reasonable price. With a publication date of 2006, this is gotta be my best pick for a corrosion textbook for the serious professional. For a design engineer/failure analyst such as myself, this great work is a dream come true. Thank you sincerely, Mr. Ahmad.


Like the organization, brief detail and efficient delivery author provides.

Johnny in Texas

great reference book for process industry professionals.

Zhong Li

For a corrosion science student, if you feeling particularly low on confidence of your professional knowledge, you can read this book. There are many detailed presentations Oh

chris forr

i bought this book as someone the other books were a little light on the calculation equations, this one has got most of them in although i would have some more examples. it has questions to test your knowledge, but you have to jump through hoops to get the answers off them via the website.


one of the most incredible books about electrochemistry. super easy to understand and full of basic and advanced information. I have looked in many books this is my favorite one


Reviewed in the United States on April 24, 2011


Reviewed in the United States on January 24, 2021

Johnny in Texas

Reviewed in the United States on March 17, 2016

Zhong Li

Reviewed in the United States on March 6, 2013

chris forr

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on June 3, 2013


Reviewed in Canada on October 3, 2013
